Gajar Halwa

profile   HALWAIADMIN calender 2019-05-31
A very attractive way of eating carrots, is another very popular Indian sweet dish in the northern and central parts of India. Originated in Punjab, it is usually made during the winter months and is a delight to have. Made out of carrot, milk, sugar and nuts it is cooked on a slow burner until the milk dries out leaving a mouth watering sweet dish to have post meal. is a North Indian speciality with Punjab being the best place to have Gajar  Halwa on a cold winter evening. India is a country for sweets and desserts, a place where desserts after dinner or lunch, are a must and make the meal complete. Desserts or sweets are the cherry topping of Indian culture. Be it a festival, a birthday or any other occasion worth celebrating, desserts and sweets will be the first thing on anyone’s mind, such as the love affair of this country with desserts and sweets. So brace yourself for some unstoppable mouthwatering as The Famous Halwai  present to you the amazing Indian Hot sweet dishes.
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